A Case For Remaining Child-less

Tracy Martinez
3 min readOct 12, 2021

I don’t think want them…yet or maybe even at all.

Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

I have heard it all. I have thought about children and now is not the time to bring another life into my world.

“They will bring purpose to your life. They will make you feel whole. Why work so hard if you won’t have anyone to leave things to.”

Yeah. No. Well, I don’t know.

Having children was something I didn’t really think about. I was focused on growing my career, finishing college, rescuing animals. Children did not fit on that list. I accomplished everything I could ever have wanted.

Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash

Then, I met my Husband. I was ready to date and It felt like the perfect time. We were dating for about 6 months before people asking me if I wanted children. They never asked him. Men never get asked when they want kids unless its asked in front of their spouse. Most of the time its because curious minds wonder when it will happen as if the constant barrage of the same question will make a child come sooner.

Children are money pits. I say this all while knowing that I myself am someone’s child. I know for a fact that raising a child is expensive because I now…



Tracy Martinez

Writer. Fur Momma. Feminist. Coffee Addict. Backspacing Machine.