I’m Sad

Tracy Martinez
Nov 13, 2021


It comes in waves

Photo by Paola Chaaya on Unsplash

I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety at age 20. I have always struggled with my thoughts, actions, and expressing of my feelings. It has been an ongoing battle but as of right now, I am okay.

Today I woke up feeling sad but not in the usual I don’t want to get out of bed sad. I woke up today sad that my sadness lingers in my body and no matter how hard I try to shake it. I take my meds and do the best I can to not let it consume me. That’s all I can really do. Some days feel like hurricanes and others feel like small waves touching the shore.

I’m just doing the best I can. The water feels nice sometimes.



Tracy Martinez

Writer. Fur Momma. Feminist. Coffee Addict. Backspacing Machine.