My Friend’s Boyfriend Groomed Her

Tracy Martinez
3 min readOct 17, 2021

You can’t save them all.

Photo by Melissa Askew on Unsplash

Lucy was great. She was young and beautiful. She had the most beautiful skin, clear and supple. She had beautiful long dark hair, was barely old enough to be an adult and was inexperienced when it came to relationships. Her family forced their Catholicism on her so she felt ashamed to be sexually liberated. They made it known that if she had sex she was to be damned and was a whore. They saying will always ring true.

“If you tell a teen they can’t do something…They will do it behind your back.”

Thankfully, I could never relate to that. I digress.

Lucy met Michael not long after her High School graduation. He was older, handsome and worked a decent enough job to be able to spoil her. Naturally, she loved the attention and love he was giving her. When they first started dating she didn’t bring him around because she didn’t want to share her news with anyone and that was enough of a red flag for me. I understand wanting to preserve an aspect of your relationships so they aren’t belittled or criticized by your friends. We have all heard about the moments where women share pictures of the people they are seeing and their feedback isn’t positive. The red flags are raised when someone hides their partner because they don’t want to hear their…



Tracy Martinez

Writer. Fur Momma. Feminist. Coffee Addict. Backspacing Machine.